1st Italian Language Twitter Account suggested by Babbel Magazine: Dite! by @DiteNicco

I am really happy to find out that Babbel Magazine listed my Twitter Account at the 1st place among those dedicated to Italian language. The author Steph Koyfman entitled her article “6 Twitter Accounts To Follow If You’re Learning Italian” which was published on the 21st of July 2020 (Yes.. I discovered it almost one month later). In the article Koyfman provides a description on each account she mentions with a choosen Tweet as a sample. 

I’m really flattered about that and somehow impressed that in the same list that sees Dite – Italian & Art with Nicco! @DiteNicco at the 1st place, Pope Francis comes 3rd, the newspaper La Repubblica and the popular journalist Beppe Severgnini respectively 5th and 6th ! 

Read the article on Babbel here: 

Ci vediamo su Twitter!  :)

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