Grape in Italian: Uva, Acino or Chicco d'uva?

"Uva" is a singular noun that corresponds to the English plural "Grapes", referring to the whole bunch of fruit

For one singular "Grape", in Italian you say "Acino" or "Chicco d'uva". 

“Acino” is actually the correct term for a singular grape, but it may sound a bit too formal for the everyday language. 

“Chicco d'uva” instead is a locution that sounds more easy going, especially for kids. “Chicco” also generally means grain. 

The plural "Le Uve" means more bunches of grapes or grape types. 

The Italian equivalents for the idiom “Hearing things through the grapevine” have nothing to do with grapevine (vigna). But very informally you may bring up a “uccellino”:

Me lo ha detto un uccellino = “I was told that by a little bird” 

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